




1 . 目标并不需要总是能达到,有时候它只是起到指引方向的作用。

2 . 一个聪明人从一个愚**的问题中学到的,比一个傻子从一个聪明的答案中学到的更多。

3 . 21. Do not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind for they are the weeds that strangle confidence

4 . 17. I am not teaching you anything. I just help you to explore yourself.

5 . 我不惧怕那些练了一万种技击法且每种练上一次的人,我惧怕那些把一种技击法练上一万次的人。

6 . 20255. Concentration is the root of all the higher abilities in man.

7 . 20253. I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

8 . 最终,最大的帮助是自助。

9 . 13. Obey the principles without being bound by them.

10 . 保持空杯心态,无形式,无招法,像水一样。你把水倒进杯子,它就是杯子的形状,你把水倒进瓶子里,它就是瓶子的形状,你把水倒进水壶,它就是水壶的形状。而水能载舟亦能覆舟,像水一样吧,我的朋友 。

11 . 选择积极的一面。你有选择权,你是你心灵的主宰,选择积极的有建设性的。乐观 是一种信念,它引领你走向成功。

12 . 没有人会被真正打败,除非他对自己失去了信心。

13 . 4. A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.

14 . 不要否定经典的方法,否则你会创造出另一种模式,然后把自己困在里面。

15 . 那些意识不到自己正在黑暗中行走的人,将永远看不到灯光。

16 . 遵守纪律,但别被它束缚。

17 . 9. A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough.

18 . 快脾气很快会让你认识到自己的愚**。

19 . 我不会教你任何东西,我只是帮助你挖掘你自己。

20 . 18. After all, all knowledge simply means self-knowledge

21 . 22. Remember no man is really defeated unless he is discouraged

22 . 2025对我来说,武术的非凡之处在于它的简单。简单的方法也是正确的方法,武术并不例外。

23 . 7. For it is easy to criticize and break down the spirit of others, but to know yourself takes a lifetime.

24 . 要了解一个人,我们往往需要看他说了什么话,尤其是无法面对面的情况下。那么回到正题,我们来看一下李小龙的部分经典言论吧,我进行了大概地意译。这些都是他在三十岁左右说过的话,看看能否对你有所启发。

25 . 批评和打击别人是容易的,但认识你自己却需要耗费一生的时间。

26 . 总是做你自己,表达你自己,对自己充满信心,不要去追寻成功 的个人偶像然后复制他。

27 . 2. Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult

28 . 6. Ultimately the greatest help is self-help.

29 . 不要让负面思想进入你的内心,那是勒死自信心的稻草。

30 . 11. A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.

31 . 当一个人在艺术上成熟的时候,他的形式是无形,就像冰块溶于水中。无形也意味着可以变成任何形式,当你没有风格的时候,你能适应任何风格。

32 . 这就像手指着月亮,当你把注意力集中在手指头上的时候,你就错过了月亮的光辉。

33 . 202510. Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light.

34 . 20. Its like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don’t concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.

35 . 错误总是可以被原谅的,当一个人有勇气去承认的时候。

36 . 1. Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.

37 . 专注力是让你获得更高成就的根本。

38 . 最终,所有的知识都是自我认知。

39 . 不要祈求容易的生活,而是祈求能去承受艰辛生活的力量。

40 . 要注意到,坚硬的树木容易断裂,而草竹随风弯曲却能保全自己。

41 . 8. Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.

42 . 19. Do not deny the classical approach, simply as a reaction, or you will have created another pattern and trapped yourself there.

43 . 14. Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.


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